Western Washiongton University

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STUDY ABROAD AT WESTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY Join a university dedicated to success for all, where you will be supported to engage in your education, develop your independence and thoughtfully plan your future.

Located in Bellingham, Washington, Western Washington University is a premier university in the Pacific Northwest, where students can take a leading role in research to change the world and build a brighter future.


516 High St, Bellingham, WA 98225

Accounting, BA +
Business Administration +
Business and Sustainability, BA +
Business and Sustainability - Energy Studies, BA
Finance, BA
International Business, BA +
Management, BA
Management Information Systems, BA
Marketing, BA
Operations Management, BA
Economics, BA +
Economics/Accounting, BA
Economics/Environmental Studies, BA
Economics/Mathematics, BA
Economics/Political Science, BA
Economics/Social Studies, BA
Financial Economics, BA
Politics/Philosophy/ Economics, BA
Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management, BS +
Art *
Art History, BA +
Art Studio, BA, BFA *
Dance, BA, BFA +*
Design, BA, BFA +
Music, BA, BMus +*
Music Composition, BMus
Music Education, P-12, BMus
Music History and Literature, BMus
Music Performance, BMusA
Theatre, BA +*
Anthropology, BA +*
Anthropology/Biology, BA
Anthropology/Social Studies, BA
Archaeology, BA
Anthropology/Archaeology, BA
Behavioral Neuroscience, BS
Biocultural Anthropology, BA
Chinese Language and Culture, BA +*
Communication Sciences and Disorders, BA +
Communication Studies, BA +*
Community Health, BS
East Asian Studies, BA +
English +*
Creative Writing, BA +*
Literature, BA *
French, BA +*
German, BA +*
History, BA +*
History/Social Studies, BA
Humanities +*
History of Culture, BA
Religion and Culture, BA +
Japanese, BA +*
Environmental Studies/Journalism, BA
News/Editorial, BA +
Public Relations, BA +
Visual Journalism, BA
Health and Fitness Specialist, BS *
Movement Studies, BS
Pre-Health Care Professions, BS
Pre-Physical Therapy, BS
Linguistics, BA +
Multidisciplinary Studies, BA
Philosophy, BA +
Physical Education & Health P-12, BAE
Political Science, BA +
Political Science/Social Studies, BA *
Psychology, BS +*
Recreation, BA
Sociology, BA, BS +*
Biology, BA, BS +*
Biology/Anthropology, BS
Biology/Mathematics, BS
Biology – Secondary Teaching, BS
Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, BS
Marine Biology, BS
Molecular and Cell Biology, BS
Chemistry, BA, BS +*
Biochemistry, BS
Computer Science, BS +
Computer and Information Systems Security, BS ∆
Engineering & Design
Electrical Engineering – Electronics, BS
Electrical Engineering – Energy, BS
Industrial Design, BS
Industrial Technology – Vehicle Design, BS +
Manufacturing Engineering, BS +
Plastics and Composites Engineering, BS
Geology, BA, BS +*
Geophysics, BS
Mathematics, BA, BS +*
Applied Mathematics, BS
Mathematics/Computer Science, BS
Statistics, BS
Physics and Astronomy +*
Physics, BS +
Science Education, BAE*
Fairhaven Interdisciplinary Concentration, BA, BAE
Law, Diversity and Justice Concentration, BA +
Environmental Science, BS +
Freshwater Ecology, BS
Marine Ecology, BS
Terrestrial Ecology, BS
Toxicology, BS
Environmental Studies, BA +*
Environmental Education, BA
Environmental Policy, BA +
Geography, BA +*
Geography/Social Studies, BA
Urban Planning and Sustainable Development, BA +
Student/Faculty Designed, BA, BS
Early Childhood Education, BAE *
Elementary Education Professional Program *
Exceptionality & Disability, BAE
Human Services, BA
Language, Literacy and Cultural Studies, BAE
Nursing (RN-to-BSN), BSN ∆
Secondary Education Professional Program
Special Education, BAE *
Pre-Chiropractic, PreProf
Pre-Dentistry, PreProf
Pre-Law, PreProf
Pre-Medicine, PreProf
Pre-Nursing, PreProf
Pre-Nutrition, PreProf
Pre-Occupational Therapy, PreProf
Pre-Optometry, PreProf
Pre-Pharmacy, PreProf
Pre-Physical Therapy, PreProf
Pre-Physician Assistant, PreProf
Pre-Veterinary, PreProf
American Cultural Studies, BA +
Canadian-American Studies, BA +
Energy Policy and Management, BA +
International Studies
Leadership Studies
Fairhaven Interdisciplinary Concentration, BA, BAE
Law, Diversity and Justice Concentration, BA +
Sociology/Social Studies, BA +
Spanish, BA +*
Student/Faculty Designed, BA, BS

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